Students at Yarrilee
have the opportunity to be involved in a variety of extra- curricular and
leadership opportunities.
Enrichment and Extension Programs
Yarrilee State School prides itself on “Developing the Whole Child” and we have commenced some very exciting Enrichment and Extension Programs aimed at taking our students learning above and beyond the classroom.
Continuing again this year are a range of specialised programs in which selected and identified students will have the opportunity to be immersed in workshops and ongoing training, working with both our talented staff and industry professionals.
Enrichment and Extension programs currenty on offer include:
Cheerleading is a dynamic and physical activity that involves elements of dance, stunts (lifts), pyramids, tumbling (gymnastics) and jumps choreographed to music. Cheerleading and Pom is not only physical but also focusses on “life lessons” of respect, dedication, self- confidence, commitment, sportsmanship and most importantly team work.

We are very excited to offer a Golf Excellence Program at Yarrilee State School.
Golf is a life-long sport that demands the player to demonstrate a high level of social and emotional intelligence and etiquette and with multiple golf courses in close proximity to the school, this is a great opportunity to develop these skills within our students. The program has been developed in partnership with Golf Queensland and a number of Australian PGA Golf Professionals.

Yarrilee prides itself on a strong music culture with many talented students playing a range of instruments across the school. This year we continue to enrich our music students and extend their skills even further. Selected students from our auditioned performance choir, Yarrilee Voices will take part in enrichment programs as they work alongside music professionals to compose and perform. We are very excited to offer these enrichment programs to selected music students.
Students are invited to audition and participate in our Keyboard Program learning basic keyboard and piano techniques each week before school. Students perform throughout the year as part of our school assemblies and at our Music Showcase Evening in Term 4.
Students are invited to join the Yarrilee Serpents Oz Tag Team. This team is targeted at our middle and upper school students as they train and compete in Oz Tag Cup.
Our talented and budding authors and illustrators will be encouraged to participate in our Young Authors and Illustrators Program- Write a Book in a Day . Selected students will participate in an immersion program for a day as they collaborate to plan, write and illustrate a book in a day.
This program will be offered to our Senior School Students