Our curriculum plan is inclusive of all year levels from Prep through to Year 6 and is focused on developing the needs of the whole child.
Our curriculum plan encompasses all key learning areas:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences)
- Technologies
- The Arts (Music, Dance, Drama and Visual Arts)
- Health and Physical Education (HPE)
- Languages other than English (LOTE) - Chinese in Senior School.
Our teachers, led by our Head of Curriculum collaboratively develop programs for all Key Learning Areas that are responsive to student's needs, align with the Australian Curriculum requirements and reflect our whole school pedagogical framework so that effective instruction is happening in every classroom, every day. This promotes high expectations and positively influences the achievements of our students so that they develop a life-long love of learning.
Social Emotional Learning at Yarrilee
Smiling Mind- Teaching Mindfulness
Imagine if every young person was taught the skills they need to be resilient, emotionally aware and mentally healthy as a standard part of their education? We think this is possible and important for the mental health of future generations.
From 2023 we are implementing the Smiling Mind Mental Health and Resilience Program across our school from Prep to Year 6.
Smiling Mind is an evidenced based approach to supporting mental health and wellbeing of children in the classroom, school and home environment. From Prep to Year 6 children will be taught the skills they need to be resilient, emotionally aware and mentally healthy.
As part of the program children are taught “Mindfulness".

Building Relationships at Yarrilee
“Check and Connect" Morning Meeting Time
As part of our school wide focus teachers are implementing “Check and Connect" Morning Meetings in all year levels to start the day.
“Check and Connect" Morning Meetings provide a consistent, predictable routine that is about building connection and belonging.
During these meetings children and teachers participate in a number of activities including morning greetings and team building, ready to learn scales, positive primer games, discussions/ reflections around school values, expectations and routines.
Participating in “Check and Connect" Morning Meetings promotes positive connections between students and peers as well as students and staff. This routine helps to create a sense of safety and belonging that can support student engagement, build well being and create positive classroom communities . Students experience positive emotions that prime them for open, flexible and engaged thinking.