MUSIC at Yarrilee
We offer a diverse variety of Music at Yarrilee. We have a classroom music teacher as well as expert teachers in Band, Strings, Keyboard & Choir.
Students are invited to join the String Program when they reach Year 3 and the Band Program (Brass, Woodwind and Percussion) when they reach Year 4. Students can also join our auditioned choir, “Yarrilee Voices", from Years 4 to 6.
Weekly, half hour keyboard lessons are available to students (Yrs 3 to 6), for a small fee. Limited places are available for this program.
A nominal fee is charged for band and strings. This covers expenses such as purchasing new music, photocopying and maintenance of the Hervey Bay Area Music Library. A limited number of large instruments are available from the school to hire.
Beginning students have a half hour lesson during the school day. When reaching a certain level they will be asked to join the orchestra. Lessons for orchestra are before school once a week. Students need to keep this in mind when committing to this program.
Yarrilee Voices
is our performance choir for students in years 4-6 and costs $25 per year. This
payment is for buses, competition entry fees and music copying and purchases.
Auditions were conducted in the initial weeks of school for Years 4, 5 and 6
students. It is a requirement that all
students in Yarrilee Voices have a Music Arts shirt. These can be purchased
through our Uniform Shop. Mrs. Sinclair is responsible for Yarrilee Voices and
she is happy to answer any queries about this program.
Strings/String Ensemble
Jenny Conlon is our Strings teacher and is now based at our school. Our String Ensemble rehearse each Wednesday
morning before school from 7.45am in our school hall. Strings Lessons occur
each Wednesday in the Rehearsal room at the rear of the stage in our school hall.
Concert Band
Mrs Suzanne Richardson is our Brass, Woodwind and Percussion teacher and is based at our school on Thursday and Friday. The Senior Concert Band rehearse each Thursday morning at school from 8.50am onwards in our school hall. The Beginners Concert Band rehearse at 8.50am, 9.20am and 9.50am. Brass, Woodwind and Percussion Lessons
occur in the Rehearsal
room at the rear of the stage in our school hall.

Music Enrichment Days
Throughout the year selected students are invited to participate in Music
Enrichment Day programs in which children have the opportunity to work with
visiting musicians and performers for 1 to 2 days immersed in vocal and choral
techniques and concert band rehearsals culminating in a concert and
performance for our school community and invited guests.